Wednesday, July 11, 2007


This is the world where everything is not as it seems.

When we were kids, it's okay to believe in fairy tales. In a kid's eyes, the world is full of color and hope. Thunderstorms always give way to rainbows. The wicked witch would melt in the end of the story, and handsome prince charming would come in the nick of time to save you and whisk you away in a castle and live life happily ever after.

But then, life could be misleading. And sometimes, the model may vary from the actual unit sold.

Oftentimes, fairy tales do not happen. Prince Charming, could be eighty years old and balding, he may have a desk job and a minimum wage. He could be stuck in traffic and not come on time to save you from the evil witch.

We start out, full of wonderment, of hope, trust and faith.

Then life happens.

And everything becomes upside down. As we grow older, we see life for what it really is. And the more clearer our vision gets, the more we want to return to when we were children. Where life is shielded from us by fluffy clouds. We grow up, become heroes in our own battle. The battle to save ourselves from us. As imaginary playmates get replaced by real ones. We are acquainted with the game that life plays. And for the fortunate, see that the real ones are not so real after all.

And then I see him standing there.

Always, someone stands out. The one who makes you think twice about your ideas. The one who sees you as a kid, but treats you like an equal. The one who gives you perspective. He, who gives you your purpose.

The one who makes you want to make a difference.

Even though, you're you. Scarred, vulnerable, and hanging by a thread, it's okay. That's life.

For him, you'll still be the one.

What was done in the past cannot be undone. It's already written. But I can start a new life with him.

My star, my perfection.

Who makes me want to be a better person.

And all I can do is try.