Friday, November 30, 2007

Good luck, Philippines

All was quite on the streets of Manila, and some neighboring regions last night.

At least, I think so.

Like everyone else, I stayed at home mindful of the curfew imposed from 12 to 5 am. Staying home, lest I be picked up by the police because I have no business straying outside at that late hour.

And again, just like everyone else, the question on my mind is; what are we heading on to?

The one time that I had forgotten to bring my camera was also the one time that I really needed to use it. Sweet irony. I was in Ayala when every establishment piped out the blaring message through the speakers that we were to evacuate the premises immediately and go to our respective houses. The cause was evident; outside, members of the police, as well as the armed forces, were steadily marching to Ayala avenue. It was a not-so-colorful display of green fatigue, dark blue swat uniforms and navy blue police uniforms.

All around me, people were filing out of the city, clogging the transportation routes, and some being left stranded. The faces of the people all registered one thing- silent panic. The air was rife with uncertainty and the desire to get away from the center of commotion. It looked like a scene out of a doomsday movie, with the mass evacuation of people. Only, instead of running and screaming their heads off, they were walking silently.

The events that transpired during the next few hours was something straight out of history books. The blatant disrespect for human rights, the curfew, and now, the metro will be steadily filled up by soldiers.

Some would think that Trillanes and company's action was made in the best interest. But in doing so, did they put our futures on the line? Would we be better off if they had not acted at all, in the first place? Is militarism really the answer to the problems that have been plaguing our country? Or would the government impose it's own answer upon us?

I've watched Dekada '70, and boy did it scare the hell out of me.

These are uncertain times. And only time will tell how things will turn out.