Saturday, May 12, 2007

One Good Turn Deserves... A Dozen Donuts?!

I did my good deed for the day. And guess what I got in return? A dozen donuts. And not just any donuts, but Krispy Kremes. Hehehe.

Okay, so before you all punch me in the face for gloating… let me tell you what happened okay?

Krispy Kremes. Hehehe.

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Here it is.

The Premise...

So, Friday found me in Krispy Kremes at Bonifacio High Street. Cause' lately, I've been up to taking my laptop with me and reviewing at nearby café's or shops. Why all this trouble? For the simple fact that every time I try to read my notes at home, I fall asleep. Believe me, I tried not being comfortable so I would fall asleep, but no luck. And once, I even ended up asleep in our garage. Go figure.

So, I thought if I go to let's say, Starbucks, where a lot of people hang out, then I'd be cautious not to fall asleep. 'Nuff said.

X-Girlfriend and USB's

So, Friday, right? I was in Krispy Kremes, reading my MS notes on my laptop, and happily munching away on my New York Cheesecake and sipping Jasmine tea. While I was studying, I decided to have a little music so, I opened up Mariah's file on my media player and started playing. I was halfway through X-Girlfriend, when some girl suddenly approached me and smiled at me. I gotta be honest, my paranoia prompted me to think that she was an ex-girlfriend of one of my exes or something (thanks a lot, Mariah!). But then, my mind cleared and I put down my headphones and smiled back at her. "Yes?" I said. She replied "HiI'msorryfortheitrusionbutcanIuseyourlaptop,IjustneedtolookatsomethinginmyUSB?"


Yup. That was it. No typo here. She said it all in one breath of oxygen-filled air. Luckily, I have friends like her, and I was able to grasp what she said. So, I look her up. She doesn't look like a thief, snatcher, hold-upper or hooker. And she did say "I'm sorry for the intrusion" in perfect, accented (American, mind you) English. So, I said yes. She took out her USB and started clicking away on my laptop.

Samantha Jones. Public Relations.

Not really. But her name really is Samantha. So, there you go. After all the work has been done, she bought me a box of dozen donuts (assorted, mind you) as a thank-you gift. At first, I protested because really, a box of dozen? Going into an internet café would only cost her P60/hour. And here she was, spending P350 for my her five minutes use of my laptop. Bonkers. But then, what could I say, she's a giving gal.

BTW, right now, I'm happily munching away on a new york cheesecake. Thanks, Sam! (close?!?!)


|=[RaPtUsErUm]=| said...

nagutom ako sa entry na to ringo langya ka!

Anonymous said...

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