Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Anatomy of a Broken Heart

We've all experienced it... Mind-numbing, reality-altering pain. There's no escape from it. Yet, some people choose to do exactly that. Escape.
Could your heart ever stop loving? Or could you ever stop it from feeling what you promised would never happen to you?
I admit, I was scared shit-less at the possibility of loving someone. For me, love opens you up to a lot of pain, mess and possibly, a sea of Kleenex to clean after. It's the proverbial can of worms, so to speak. You never open it, you just talk about it. But then I said to myself, I can't be scared forever. I can't cower in fear of love just because I got myself hurt one too many times in the past. So, I broke down all my walls, my facades and faced the consequences, that yes, I could end up getting hurt. but it can't be all that bad and there would be happy times too, right?
When your heart skips a beat (and not in a good way)

So there I was... not knowing the first thing about loving someone, yet plunging head first into a relationship I know I wasn't wholly prepared for. All the little idiosyncrasies of a relationship escaped me. and little old me, not knowing what to do, stumbled at every foot-hole. It also didn't help when people make it hard for you to love them. Yeah, you know you gave up being scared shit-less of love, but you aren't really in a relationship alone, are you? Turns out, some people are too afraid that you'll hurt them that they never see how much you love them.

And then your heart stops beating.

Like every muscle, the heart can tire, yet it doesn't tire easily. It can take every ounce of abuse, stress and heartache before it can finally give out. But when it does give out, boy, does it really!
After finally getting over the possibility that love could hurt me. in the end, I did get hurt. But it's okay. It wasn't all a bed of nails. I admit, it all happened too fast. It wasn't well thought of
. But it was good while it lasted

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